arrowDas Müllprojekt

Irene Vögeli

»Waste Alphabet«
Installation 2017

The Waste Alphabet assembles around a thousand nouns and verbs reflecting the pure and the impure, waste and cleanliness, dirty and immaculate worlds. The list, with no claim to completeness, maps our ideas of purity and cleanliness in the tension field of socially ritualized practices, scientific knowledge, strategies of power and that which we experience as identity.

Irene Vögeli — Zürich

employing her long-term experience as a graphic artist and theoretician, Irene Vögeli works at the interface between theory and practice. She works as a lecturer and co-manager of the masters programme Transdisciplinary Studies at the Zurich University of the Art.
Installation view, photos Helge Mundt (Mundt) and Anke Haarmann (AH)