Nana Petzet
»A Community Cooker for the Karo District«
Funktional Installation and Art Action, 2017
Conception and Execution of the Furnace: 9minus1*artsupport und Jochen Weber
»Collecting separately, burning together« was the title of an entire theme section at a specialist conference of Hamburg’s waste resources business in February 2016. The slogan reveals the topicality of the question which, ever since the introduction of the »Duales System«, has concerned all citizens who separately collect waste: »Are the valuable materials that I collect separately actually being recycled?« In Hamburg a large part of the municipal waste ends up in the incinerator, including packaging waste with the Green Dot. Before this backdrop, Petzet came up with the idea of building a local incineration plant on the site of the Recyclinghof St. Pauli, following the example of the Community Cookers developed in Kenia. The cooker conceived and realised by 9minus8@artsupport and Jochen Weber is operated with plastic packaging material collected especially for this purpose and will be used in the frame of the Waste Cooking workshop.
Nana Petzet — Hamburg
The topic of household waste had attracted Petzet’s interest already in 1995, when she developed the »CPR System« as a fictive counter model to the Green Dot. In a self-experiment, she collected all the packaging waste accumulating in her four-person household for half a year and examined it with regard to recycability. In 2000 she inventoried her collection of household waste for the exhibition »einräumen« at the Hamburger Kunsthalle with the art inventory system HIDA MIDAS. This allowed her to unite two opposing trends in society: the widespread disposable product mentality and the tendency toward conservation or even museification. An opportunity arose for Petzet in 2011 to explore a culture of direct reuse of sales packaging in the context of a scarcity economy, through an invitation to Addis Abeba by the Goethe Institute. »Paralysed by the Recycling Paradise« presents the results of this research project. Light pollution and its effects on the cultural diversity of nocturnal insects was the issue Nana Petzet was concerned with in 2015 in the frame of the interdisciplinary art in public space project »Lichtfalle Hamburg«.

Nana Petzet, Das SBF-System, Hamburg 1997,Baskets-braids from plastic bags, Photo: Quirin Leppert

Nana Petzet, recycling facility Rugenberger Damm, Hamburg 2017, Photo: Helge Mundt

Nana Petzet, test run Community Cooker, Hamburg 2017, Photo: Jochen Weber